Saturday, July 22, 2017

Saudi Arabia is negotiating the purchase of a training aircraft Textron AirLand Scorpion

As Antony Angrand writes in the article "L'Arabie Saoudite pourrait acheter du Scorpion", published by Air & Cosmos magazine, Saudi Arabia is at the initial stage of negotiations with the American company Textron AirLand (a joint venture of Textron Corporation and AirLand Enterprises) regarding the possible purchase of reactive training -Box Scorpion aircraft.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Russia and Angola are negotiating the delivery of six Su-30K fighters

As Aleksandra Djordjevic and Ivan Safronov write in the article "Better Longer, Yes More" published by Kommersant, Russia and Angola negotiate the purchase of six additional Su-30K fighters. If successful, Luanda will be able to increase its fleet, and Moscow - to get rid of aircraft built in fulfillment of the Indian contract in 1996-1998. There are also complications: back in 2013 Luanda contracted a squadron of such fighters, but still has not received a single one. Russian officials nevertheless insist that the contract is executed in accordance with the agreements.

The fact that Russian and Byelorussian specialists are searching for buyers for six Su-30K fighters stored in Belarus, a source in the aviation industry, told Kommersant. This was confirmed by the director of the 558th aircraft repair plant (ARZ) Pavel Pinigin, who arrived at the MAKS-2017 airshow (Zhukovsky). According to him, the search for a buyer is "just a matter of time" and "no significant problems arise": "Do not rush, and everything will be all right." In turn, sources of Kommersant in the field of military-technical cooperation (MTC) clarified that negotiations for the supply of six fighters are being conducted with Angola. Representatives of Rosoboronexport and the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation refused to comment on Kommersant yesterday.

The history of these Su-30Ks began in 1996-1998. Then the Irkut corporation signed a contract for the delivery of the Su-30MKI fighter aircraft to India, but because of the need to prepare the capacity for the deployment of serial production of new aircraft, the customer was provided with simplified versions of the fighters with the obligation to replace them in the future. These obligations were fulfilled: simplified fighters were replaced with Su-30MKI, and in 2011 18 Indian-returned Su-30K were driven to 558th ARZ in Baranovichi, after which Rosoboronexport began searching for potential buyers for them.

The aircraft were offered to Byelorussia, Sudan, Vietnam (the factory was even visited by a military delegation from Hanoi), as well as Angola.

In October 2013, during the visit to Angola, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin signed a contract for the purchase of 12 Indian cars and related means of aviation defeat, which implied the issuance of a loan of $ 1 billion to the customer. According to Kommersant, VTB provided it. VTB told Kommersant that they were lending to the South African republic, but did not specify the purpose of issuing the funds: "VTB issued a loan of $ 1 billion to the Ministry of Finance of Angola. The financing was provided for general purposes."

It was assumed that Angola would receive the machines as soon as possible (they had to be repaired and upgraded to the Su-30KN level), but in 2015 the Air Force commander General Francisco Afonso specified that the fighters will be delivered by 2017. As of January 2017, no aircraft Angola has not received. At the same time, Dmitriy Shugaev, director of the FSMTC, commenting on the situation with the Su-30K, said: "The implementation of the contract for the supply of aircraft to Angola continues in accordance with the agreements signed by the parties."
Why Russian fighters in Baranavichy could be allowed to use spare parts

According to Andrey Frolov, editor-in-chief of the magazine Export of Arms, Andrei Suvorov, there are enough problems with the Su-30K: first of all, the technical issue is acute, because "the Angolans might have additional requirements": "To bring the used aircraft to the standard condition, Development work ". According to the interlocutor of Kommersant in the aviation industry, negotiations with Angola are at an early stage, and in addition to purchasing six more Su-30Ks of the Indian party, it will need to abandon a number of armaments for which they were given a loan. Deputy Director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies Konstantin Makienko believes that it is still only Angola that can claim six more Su-30Ks, since no one else has such a modification in service.

Attempts by Russia to gain a foothold in the arms market of Angola have been undertaken repeatedly and linked directly to the defense budget of the country (in 2013 it amounted to a record $ 6.1 billion, becoming one of the largest in the whole of Africa). According to the national development plan of Angola for 2013-2017, the number of priorities in the field of defense and security is the creation of military-industrial capacities capable of meeting the basic needs of the armed forces of the country. These requirements are understandable, says a source in the military technical cooperation system, but it is extremely difficult to technically localize the production of complex weapons at the capacities of Angolan enterprises, which will take considerable time.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

The Czech Army received armored transporters of 120-mm mortars

Ministry of Defense of the Czech Republic On July 17, 2017, Tatra Group 41 armored truck Tatra T-815 with a wheel formula 8x8, intended for transportation of 120 mm towed mortars vz, was received from the Troopanovo logistics center near Olomouc. 82. The mortar, ammunition and calculation are transported in the body of the machine, the launch and lifting of the mortar are carried out by a stern ramp with an electric drive. The ceremony was attended by the Minister of Defense of the Czech Republic Martin Stropnitsky. The contract for the supply of 41 of this armored conveyor was concluded by the Czech Ministry of Defense with the Tatra Group in the fall of 2015. The machines should be supplied to the battalion of the 4th Rapid Reaction Brigade and the 7th Mechanized Brigade of the Czech Army, replacing the 120 mm vz mortars used up to now. 82 old trucks Praga V3S (6x6).

At the ceremony, Czech Defense Minister Martin Stropnitski said that in 2017 alone, the Czech army must receive 112 trucks of various types, and that these are the first deliveries of trucks of the Czech Army since 2008-2009, when 588 different Tatra cars were delivered. The number of cars delivered in 2017 includes 26 Tatra T-810 (6x6) trucks already delivered to the Czech Defense Ministry in January, as well as 40 Tatra T-815 (8x8) armored vehicles intended for the delivery of containers until the end of the year.

In total, the Czech Army has more than 3000 Tatra vehicles.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Saudi Arabia takes on 155-mm self-propelled howitzer M109A6

According to the magazine "Jane's Defence Weekly" article Jeremy Binnie "Saudis planning to buy M109A6 howitzers with new turrets", with reference to the information posted July 13, 2017 on the website of the US public procurement US Federal Business Opportunities (FBO), Saudi Arabia acquires unnamed number US 155-mm / 39 M109A6 Paladin self-propelled howitzers.

The FBO website has posted a request for production and supply of the Anniston Army Depot (Alabama) towers for M109A6 self-propelled howitzers for the delivery of Saudi Arabia under the forthcoming contract for foreign government sales (FMS). The new production towers will have to be installed on the chassis of the M109A6 automatic control system, which are released when the US Army upgrades to the M109A7 PIP variant (in the process of upgrading the M109A6 to the M109A7, the M109A6 towers are rearranged to a new chassis manufactured by BAE Systems).

The contractor will have to install and integrate the towers on the chassis M109A6, with a bulkhead of the chassis itself and replacement of the necessary parts.

The request states that the US government intends to negotiate only with BAE Systems Land & Armaments as a possible supplier and contractor, but other companies can also submit their applications [this request is thus a mere formality and the purchase will be made from a "single supplier" In Russian terminology. - bmpd].

At present, the army of Saudi Arabia from self-propelled artillery of 155 mm caliber is believed to have 110 American self-propelled howitzer M109A2, 48 M109A5, 78 French 155 GCT (probably most of the latter is in storage) and 54 Chinese PLZ45. It is possible that the purchase of Saudi Arabia by SAU M109A6 is designed to replace 155 GCT howitzers acquired in the late 1970s.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The newest Chinese unmanned aerial vehicle CH-5 made its first flight. On July 10, 2017, at 7:00 am Beijing time, the serial model of the reconnaissance and strike drones (UAV) CH-5 ("Ceyhun-5"), the most perfect Chinese device of this type, made the first test flight, the Central Television reported. PRC.

According to CCTV7, the flight lasted more than 20 minutes and ended at the airfield in Hebei Province. Project leader Ou Zhongming said after the tests that "several countries, including both users of the previous models of the Tsaihun series, and new potential customers are already negotiating the acquisition of CH-5 with the developer - the Chinese Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics".

"The device is not inferior to the UQ MQ-9 Reaper of the US corporation General Atomics - a hunter-drone, which is considered the best Western analysts," said the chief designer of the "Tsaihun" series Shi Wen.

According to the designer, "a UAV made of composite materials can be kept in the air for up to 60 hours - three times as long as its predecessors", the range of its flight is 10 thousand km, the take-off mass can reach 3.3 tons.

The report notes that "the device can carry up to a ton of payload, in one version - 24 missiles." The UAV can also be used for long-range radar detection and control and carry EW assets. Shi Wen added that the CH-5, in addition, "can be equipped for patrolling the water areas and searching for submarines."

CH-5 - medium-altitude long-haul drone (MALE, medium altitude long endurance). His prototype made the first flight in August 2015.

Monday, July 17, 2017

In Baghdad, a military parade took place on the occasion of the liberation of the city of Mosul from the militants of the Islamic state. On Saturday, July 15, 2017, the Iraqi government held a military parade in Baghdad dedicated to the liberation of Mosul. The parade was watched by the Prime Minister of Iraq, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the country, Haider al-Abadi, as well as high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. A statement by the Prime Minister's office says that the parade took place early Saturday morning in a strictly guarded "green zone" in the center of Baghdad. The parade also attended the leaders of the Shiite militia - "The Forces of People's Mobilization."

Sunday, July 16, 2017

The positions of the Iranian S-300 surface-to-air missile systems are revealed According to the British Janes, the positions of three of the four S-300PMU2 SAM divisions are now known. Two battalions (that is, one regiment) are deployed in positions in the Tehran area, one of them in the very capital near the airfield of the joint deployment of military and civilian planes Mehrabad (the 1st tactical airbase of the Iranian Air Force) in the western part of Tehran, and the other battalion On the basis of air defense a few kilometers south-east of Tehran, and the position of the Hawk or its Iranian copy of Mersad is also preserved on the same base.

The second regiment of Persians decided to deploy to protect the Persian Gulf coast, while the position of only one S-300PMU2 battalion is known, which was placed at the Busher airfield (6th tactical airbase of the Iranian Air Force) at the old position of the Hawk SAM. The position of the second division of this regiment is still unknown.

I looked in the locations indicated by Janes and found the positions of all three famous divisions on commercial satellite images that were laid out by Terraserver

The position of the S-300PMU2 SAM battalion near Mehrabad airport in Tehran

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Turkey allegedly reached an agreement on the acquisition of the S-400 surface-to-air missile system

As Bloomberg reported on July 13, 2107, referring to the statement of an unnamed high-ranking Turkish official representative, Turkey allegedly reached a preliminary agreement with Russia on the acquisition of four "batteries" of Russian S-400 surface-to-air missile systems worth 2.5 billion Doll.
The first two batteries of the S-400 SAMs allegedly should be delivered to Turkey in two years from the date of signing the contract, while the other two SAMs should be collected in Turkey, and the Russian side agreed to the appropriate transfer of technology. To prepare the contract, according to the Turkish representative, it may take about a year.

Friday, July 14, 2017

American Patriot anti-aircraft missile systems deployed in Lithuania

It is reported that from July 10 to 22, 2017, a battery of the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system from the US Army was deployed on the territory of the Lithuanian air force base in Siauliai. The deployment was carried out on an interim basis within the framework of the exercises of the NATO air defense forces "Tobruq Legacy 2017", taking place on the territory of Lithuania (and also the Czech Republic and Romania). This is the first deployment of the American Patriot Patriot in the territory of the former USSR. Part of the air defense of the armed forces of the United States, Great Britain, Poland, Latvia and Lithuania take part in the exercise in Lithuania.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

The Turkish company FNSS reported July 12, 2017, that it had delivered to Oman its first armored personnel carriers, Pars III, with a 8x8 wheel formula.

According to the company, all of Oman had contracted 172 Pars III (8 × 8) armored personnel carriers, becoming their first customer.

In April 2016, the FNSS reported that it had contracted with the second customer of the BTS of the Pars family (after Malaysia), without specifically specifying the country. The announcement that this customer is Oman and that he was the first buyer of the BTR version of Pars III, circulated since the end of 2016, but the number of ordered cars was not known. According to one of the reports, the value of the Oman contract is more than $ 500 million.

New modifications to the Pars armored vehicle family with the 6x6 and 8x8 wheeled formulas, designated Pars III, were first introduced to the FNSS at the IDEF-2017 in Istanbul in May 2017. Differences Pars III from previous versions consist mainly of reinforcing ballistic and mitigation protection, bringing the total combat mass of Rars III (6 × 6) to 25 tons, and Pars III (8 × 8) - up to 30 tons (and the latter lost the ability to swim ) Introduced a new suspension with variable clearance, complete digitalization of equipment, etc. The capacity of Pars III (8 × 8) is 12 people (including nine paratroopers).

Judging by the common FNSS photos delivered to Oman, the linear Pars III BTR (8 × 8) is equipped with a one-seater FNSS Saber tower with a 25-mm automatic dual-power Orbital ATK M242 Bushmaster gun (with the same tower shown on IDEF-2017) .

Monday, July 10, 2017

Australia ahead of time received a batch of American aircraft electronic warfare EA-18G Growler Australia ahead of time received a batch of American aircraft electronic warfare. July 7, reported that Boeing Corporation supplied the Australian Air Force with the latest pair of EA-18G Growler aircraft.

The contract for the supply of electronic warfare aircraft EA-18G Growler was signed between the Australian Ministry of Defense and Boeing Corporation in 2014. According to the contract, the delivery was to be completed no later than 2020, but yesterday it became known that the last two "Grumblers" from the twelve ordered arrived in Australia.

Australia became the first country after the US, whose army was armed with aircraft fighters EA-18G Growler. The first "Grumbling" was delivered to Australia in February this year and demonstrated at the international air show AVALON.

The EA-18G Growler is based on the F / A-18F Super Hornet deck fighter - externally they are almost identical (the difference is only in the modified shape of the wing and the presence of external pylons with radio electronic equipment). However, internally this is fundamentally different in terms of capabilities and designation of aircraft, although the "Grumbling" has retained the ability to carry and apply various types of missile and bomb weapons. The E / A-18G aircraft are equipped with AN / APG-79 radars, as well as electronic intelligence and suppression equipment from the American company Northrop Grumman.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Ukrainian-American Sea Breeze training will be held July 10-22 This year, in the maneuvers on the Black Sea, in addition to the organizers of the United States and Ukraine, the military units of the 15 states will be involved. The Ukrainian-American military training Sea Breeze will be held on July 10-22 in the Black Sea. They will take part in the armed forces of a total of 17 states. This is stated in a statement by the US Forces Command Europe (EUCOM). This year in the maneuvers, besides the organizers of the USA and Ukraine, military units of Belgium, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Greece, Georgia, Canada, France, Italy, Lithuania, Moldova, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Turkey and Sweden will be involved. The training will be conducted with the participation of subdivisions of the land, naval forces, and also parts of the naval landing. The purpose of the maneuvers was announced to improve the interaction and flexibility of the use of armed forces of the participating countries, strengthening the means of joint strike. Will be conducting the development of naval operations to isolate the battlefield, the use of air defense, measures to combat the survivability of ships, search and rescue operations. Organizers of Sea Breeze claim that their conduct is aimed at ensuring stability in the Black Sea region. From the American side in Sea Breeze will be involved two missile-equipped ships - Hue City type Ticonderoga cruiser and Carney-type Arleigh Burke, one patrol boat attack aircraft Boeing P-8 Poseidon. In total, almost 800 military sailors and US marines will take part in the maneuvers. Sea Breeze training has been conducted regularly since 1997. In 2016, they were held July 18-30, with the participation of military seamen, observers and instructors from 16 countries. Then the doctrine covered the north-western part of the Black Sea, south of Odesa and part of the Mykolaiv regions.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

The US plans to test the anti-missile complex. THAAD interceptor missiles will be launched from Alaska. In the US, they plan to test the operation of the THAAD system against medium-range ballistic missiles in the coming days, Reuters reports citing US officials. According to the agency, the tests will be the first test of the action of the THAAD system against this type of missiles. Interceptor missiles are scheduled to launch from Alaska. It is noted that the US also has interceptors THAAD on Guam. They are designed to protect against a missile attack by the DPRK. A spokesman for the Pentagon's anti-missile defense committee, Chris Johnson, confirmed that the tests are scheduled to take place "in early July." According to him, the complex located in Alaska will have to "detect, track and hit the target with the help of the THAAD interceptor missile." THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) is designed for high-altitude over-atmospheric interception of missiles, as claimed, of small and medium range. Recall that in early May, the US military completed the deployment of the THAAD anti-missile system, the dispatch of which to South Korea caused protests from China, Russia and the DPRK.

Friday, July 7, 2017

The British Ministry of Defense signed a contract with BAE Systems for the construction of new Type 26 frigates.

Under the first contract, BAE Systems will build for the needs of the Royal Navy three Type 26 frigates, also known as the Global Combat Ship (GCS). The deal amounted to £ 3.7 billion ($ 4.9 billion), which includes costs for the development of the project and the preliminary purchase of equipment (it is known that the first engine for the Type 26 frigate is already ready).

Solemn cutting of metal for the construction of a new frigate should take place in July this year. The construction of the Type 26 frigates behind the original schedule for two years, which is why the British fleet will face the problem of shortage of ships. So, the Type 23 frigates will start to write off in 2023, while the first Type 26 will go into the fleet only by 2025.

BAE Systems introduced the final concept of the Type 26 frigates two years ago, but because of disagreements in the cost of construction, the British Defense Ministry reduced the program from 13 to 8 ships and postponed the decision to sign the contract. It is known that the military department did not agree with the total cost of £ 11.5 billion for the development and construction of eight ships, wanting to reduce them by £ 500 million, while BAE Systems offered a discount of £ 250 million. What will be the final sum of the construction of all Eight ships, remains unknown.

The length of each of the Type 26 frigates will be almost 150 m, displacement - 6800 tons. The ships will be able to reach speeds of up to 26 knots (48 km / h) and overcome up to 7000 miles (13,000 km) without refueling. Crew frigate will consist of 108 people, with the ship will be able to accommodate up to 208 people.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

The Polish army officially adopted the first mortars of Rak On June 30, 2017, a transfer ceremony was held to the 17th Wielkopolska Mechanized Brigade named after Gen. Joseph Dowbor-Musnicki (17 Wielkopolska Brygada Zmechanizowana im. Geni broni Józefa Dowbor-Muśnickiego), stationed in Miedzyzhece 11 Lubskoy armored cavalry division named after King Jan Sobieski (11 Lubuska Dywizja Kawalerii Pancernej im Króla Jana III Sobieskiego) Troops of the Polish first battery of serial 120-mm self-propelled mortars Rak. The program was timed to coincide with the 21st anniversary of the formation of the 17th mechanized brigade.

The 120 mm Rak (SMK 120) self-propelled mortar has been developed and manufactured by Huta Stalowa Wolya SA (HSW), part of the Polish state-owned defense holding PGZ (Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa). Structurally, Rak is made on the chassis of the Rosomak armored personnel carrier with a wheel formula of 8x8 (the licensed armored personnel carrier Patria AMV, manufactured by Rosomak SA, the former armored convoy WZM, also part of PGZ). The installation is a revolving tower with a 120mm / 24mm MAHSW smooth-bore smooth-bore turret equipped with a 20-min loading machine in the turrets of the turrets at the rear of the tower. Another 26 minutes are in the body of the machine and are reloaded into the automatic loader manually. Shooting is carried out by conventional 120-mm mines for a maximum range of up to 7,000 m, although a new generation of mines with a range of up to 12 km is claimed. The rate of fire reaches 8 rounds per minute, direct-fire shooting is possible.

The mortar is equipped with an automated fire control system for joint development of Polish enterprises WB Electronics, Etronika and Arex, and inertial-satellite navigation system TALIN.

In total, the Polish army hopes to obtain in the future up to 180 self-propelled mortars Rak (20-21 standard battery).

Sunday, July 2, 2017

CROATIA WATERED UP NEW PATRICUM SHIP In early June, a new patrol ship was launched in Split from the Bradosplit shipyard of the Croatian shipbuilding campaign. The new ship is the first of five custom-made units built for Coast Guard of Croatia. The contract, signed in December 2014, is about $ 58.5 million. The main ship was laid on the harbor in September 2015 and launched on June 3, 2017. The transfer of the ship to the customer is scheduled for the end of 2017, while he must get the official name. Speed ​​- 28 knots, autonomy - 10 days. The ship's arsenal will consist of a 30-mm automatic gun, two 12.7-mm machine guns and four MANPADS. Crew - 14 sailors and officers. In early June, a new patrol ship was launched in Split from the Belfry shipyard of the Croatian shipbuilding campaign in Split. The new ship is the first of five custom-made units built for Coast Guard of Croatia. The contract, signed in December 2014, is about $ 58.5 million. The main ship was laid on the harbor in September 2015 and launched on June 3, 2017. The transfer of the ship to the customer is scheduled for the end of 2017, while he must get the official name. Speed ​​- 28 knots, autonomy - 10 days. The ship's arsenal will consist of a 30-mm automatic gun, two 12.7-mm machine guns and four MANPADS. Crew - 14 sailors and officers

Saturday, July 1, 2017

The US Air Force submitted to Congress a report on the restart of production of F-22 stealth fighters June 20 it became known that the US Air Force submitted to Congress a report on the restart of the production of the fifth-generation F-22 Raptor fighter.

The Senate Committee of the US Congress on Armed Services received a report two days ago and is now under consideration. It is reported that last year studies were being conducted on how much the government could do to resume production of these fifth generation aircraft.

The main purpose of the F-22 aircraft is to gain air supremacy and fight against strategic bombers of a potential enemy. The military's interest in the possible restart of the production line of the F-22 aircraft is caused by the growing tension in relations with the Russian Federation and the growing power of the Chinese armed forces.

In 2009, Congress voted to end the production of the F-22 after the release of 187 fighters.