Saturday, July 8, 2017

The US plans to test the anti-missile complex. THAAD interceptor missiles will be launched from Alaska. In the US, they plan to test the operation of the THAAD system against medium-range ballistic missiles in the coming days, Reuters reports citing US officials. According to the agency, the tests will be the first test of the action of the THAAD system against this type of missiles. Interceptor missiles are scheduled to launch from Alaska. It is noted that the US also has interceptors THAAD on Guam. They are designed to protect against a missile attack by the DPRK. A spokesman for the Pentagon's anti-missile defense committee, Chris Johnson, confirmed that the tests are scheduled to take place "in early July." According to him, the complex located in Alaska will have to "detect, track and hit the target with the help of the THAAD interceptor missile." THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) is designed for high-altitude over-atmospheric interception of missiles, as claimed, of small and medium range. Recall that in early May, the US military completed the deployment of the THAAD anti-missile system, the dispatch of which to South Korea caused protests from China, Russia and the DPRK.

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