Friday, June 30, 2017

Ukraine conducted fire tests of the new light-duty missile complex "Korsar" In Ukraine, at one of the military ranges, fire tests of a new lightweight portable complex Korsar.

The Corsair missile successfully hit an armored target at a distance of about 2000 meters. Tests were conducted in the interests of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"The rocket complex" Korsar ", produced by KB Ray, successfully hit an armored tank-type target, at a distance of more than 2000 meters, in conditions of a strong side wind. All defeats took place in the upper armored target sheet, which guarantees the complete destruction of the combat vehicle. ", The company said on its official Facebook page.

The light portable missile system "Korsar" is designed to engage stationary and mobile modern armored targets and other objects that have combined, spaced or monolithic armor, including those with dynamic protection, as well as small-sized targets such as long-term firing points, a tank in a trench, lightly armored Objects and helicopters.

The shot can be made from both the machine and the parapet.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Pakistan gets new tanks Oplot - Pakistan Defense Pakistan's military-analytical community Pakistan Defense has announced the emergence of a new tank in the Pakistani Army. "The new Pakistani army monster is approaching ..." Pakistan's ambassador to Ukraine, Atar Abbas, told about Pakistani intentions to buy about 100 Oplot tanks in Ukraine. Today at the final stage of testing and evaluation is an agreement on the purchase of the Ukrainian battle tank "Oplot". And in the case of signing, Pakistan will buy at the Kharkiv plant "Plant them. Malyshev has more than one hundred units of this technique. - said the ambassador. According to him, the defense sector was one of the main areas of cooperation between Pakistan and Ukraine. "This involved the purchase of heavy machinery and its maintenance, in particular, Al-Khalid tanks," the ambassador said. According to him, recent mutual visits of defense ministers of Pakistan and Ukraine took place. "A few months ago an agreement was signed on the joint production of engines for the Al-Khalid tank and military helicopters. All production will be carried out in the Pakistani territory, "he stressed.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

American helicopter shot down unmanned aerial weapons with latest weapons Raytheon successfully tested a combat laser mounted on a helicopter AH-64 Apache. Equipped with a new weapon, the helicopter was able to shoot down a stationary drone with a distance of 1.4 kilometers, according to the company's website. The tests were conducted within the framework of the development of advanced laser systems. The trials that took place at White Sands Rocket Range in New Mexico involved both Raytheon staff and specialists in the management of the Apache helicopter program of the US Army and the US Army Special Operations Command. As noted in the message, this was the first case of successful use of a combat laser laser helicopter, which proved the possibility of using such weapons from maneuvering aircraft with a wide range of speed and altitude. In the course of shooting the system took on the support and focused energy on the target, the slope distance to which was 1.4 kilometers. Experts noted that the results of tests show the correctness of the chosen direction of work.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The US, India and Japan will hold the largest military exercises. The exercises will be held in the Indian Ocean in July. The United States, India and Japan will hold the largest military exercises in the west of the Indian Ocean in July. This was stated by US President Donald Trump after the meeting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, RIA Novosti reported. "Our armed forces are working daily to strengthen cooperation in the fight against terror, and next month they will join forces with Japanese sailors to take part in the largest exercises that have ever been undertaken in the west of the Indian Ocean," Trump said.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Taiwan is promoting its newest anti-ship missile Hsiung Feng III for export. The Chinese Academy of Sciences (Taiwan) announced plans to export its latest anti-ship missile Hsiung Feng III.

During the international air show Paris Air Show 2017, the Taiwan delegation presented a supersonic anti-ship prototype of the surface-to-surface cruise missile Hsiung Feng III.

The Hsiung Feng III missile is designed to deal with large surface targets, including aircraft carriers. Hsiung Feng III is capable of speeding up to 2300 km / h and hitting targets at ranges up to 150 km.

In total, the Ministry of Defense of Taiwan intends to spend 12 billion Taiwan dollars (406.5 million US dollars) for the purchase of 120 Hsiung Feng III missiles for the fleet.

It is assumed that the new development may interest a number of potential buyers from the Middle East and North Africa, but it remains unclear how this will react to mainland China.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

In Japan, they develop an ultramodern missile to combat Russian and Chinese warships. In Japan, a fundamentally new anti-ship missile is being developed. At the exhibition MAST Asia 2017 (Maritime Air Systems & Technologies) was presented information about the Japanese anti-ship missile XSSM, reports Many military experts have already noted that the new missile is being developed against the backdrop of the growing activity of combat ships of the naval forces of China and the Russian Federation along the Japanese borders. First of all, the new anti-ship missiles will have to provide security to the numerous Japanese islands in case of possible aggression. It is reported that the rocket is created on the basis of the Type 88 PCR, which, in turn, is developed on the basis of SSM-1 technologies. For the first time, information about the new missile appeared in 2012 as "a less risky and less expensive family of anti-ship missiles." It was noted that the RCC will be supplied in three versions - ship-based, aviation and coastal. At the end of January 2017, the spotters reported the launch of the RCC from the test ship JS Asuka on the basis that the ship returned to the base with an empty launch canister. It is believed that the development of the XSSM and XASM-3 missiles is of strategic importance for Japan, since it will help to block the "first chain of islands" from the Japanese archipelago to Taiwan in the event of military action from the side

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Belarus bought Su-30SM fighters

A contract was signed for the supply of Su-30SM fighters to Belarus. This, according to TASS, said the head of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation Dmitry Shugaev.

He noted that the contract will be implemented in stages.

The Ministry of Defense of Belarus reported that the republic will buy 12 Su-30SM aircraft in Russia. The signed contract assumes that delivery of Su-30SM aircraft will be carried out in stages.

"It will be stretched by the time of the year by three," Ravkov told reporters.

He specified that the execution of the contract is envisaged after the beginning of its financing. "As soon as the financing starts, this contract comes into force," the minister said, without specifying the deadline.

Friday, June 23, 2017

In Texas, the US Air Force F-16 crashed

The US Air Force F-16 fighter crashed after a fire on board during take-off from the military airfield in Ellington, Texas. The incident occurred near Houston, the command of the Air Defense Space Command of North America (NORAD).

"The F-16 of the 138th Squadron stationed at Ellington Aerodrome on the base in Houston, Texas, crashed during take-off today (June 21) at approximately 09:30 local time." The pilot ejected, he is currently being examined at a local medical Institution, "- said in NORAD.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

In South Korea, the development of new interceptor missiles of medium range
On June 17, Yonhap news agency reported that LIG Nex1 and the Agency for Defense Development (ADD) announced the successful completion of testing of Cheongung missiles and the beginning of their mass production.

The guided Cheongung missile can hit ballistic targets at altitudes above 20 km. The missile was developed within the framework of the M-SAM project and will become one of the main elements of the Korea Air and Missile Defense System (KAMD).

Serial production of new missiles officially starts already in the near future, and by 2019, the Ministry of Defense of South Korea intends to conduct their full deployment. The KAMD system, covering all types of air threats, should be fully profitable in the early 2020s.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

The US Armed Forces will receive a total of 60,000 new JLTV armored vehicles. The US Armed Forces expect to receive about 60,000 new JLTV (Joint Light Tactical Vehicles) manufactured by Oshkosh Defense in the next five years.

It is reported that US Army units plan to get 50,000 JLTV armored vehicles and about 10,000 vehicles are designed to equip the Marine Corps unit. The total value of the contract is estimated at 24 billion dollars.

It is assumed that the first batch of 500 newest JLTV armored vehicles will be put into service in the 10th Mountain Division of the US Army already in early 2019. JLTV will replace obsolete high-mobility vehicles based on the Hamvy platform.

Representatives of Oshkosh Defense claim that at the moment about 100 JLTV armored cars have already been manufactured for evaluation tests and transferred to the army corps and Marine Corps corps.

Oshkosh Defense vice president for joint programs and general manager, Dave Diersen, said: "The JLTV program provides our soldiers and marines with a light tactical car with the best characteristics in the world."

New Oshkosh JLTV protection system Core1080 Crew Protection System (representing a full protection against improvised explosive devices and real mines). There is also an independent adaptive suspension, which will manually or automatically adjust the clearance (ride height) to half a meter.

The weight of Oshkosh is six and a half tons. The standard version of the power plant has a capacity of 300 hp. The working volume of the engine is 6.6 liters. This will allow the Oshkosh JLTV armored vehicle to complete nearly 500 kilometers on one full gas station. Plus, according to the representatives of Oshkosh Corp, their hybrid armored car is 70% superior to the nearest competitors in terms of speed and maneuverability.

According to rough estimates, each hybrid Oshkosh JLTV, with additional equipment, will cost a little less than $ 400 thousand.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The newest fighter of the fifth generation F-35 became a sensation of the Paris air show. The fifth-generation fighter F-35 became the sensation of the Paris air show in Le Bourget. For the first time at events of this kind, the newest American stealth fighter demonstrated his flying capabilities in full. Earlier, the capabilities of the fifth generation aircraft were not shown publicly and the participation of F-35 fighters was limited to acquaintance flights along the spectator stands. Test pilot Lockheed Martin Billie Flynn in an interview with Aviation Week said that "for the first time after 10 years from the date of the first flight of the aircraft, we will show the capabilities and maneuverability of the F-35, which will crush the years of disinformation." The maneuverability of such stealth planes as the F-22 and F-35 is more impressive, since they perform or can perform high-energy maneuvers "fully combat-ready", that is, with armament in the inner compartments. Fighter aircraft of the fourth generation show aerobatics figures without external suspensions, that is completely unarmed. The presence of missiles in the inner compartments of a stealth aircraft does not affect maneuverability and energy. On June 13, two F-35A fighters arrived at Le Bourget from the Hill air base (Utah, USA). One plane will fly, the other will be on static exposure. It also became known that the Lockheed Martin company is at the final stage of negotiations for the sale of fifth-generation F-35 fighters to eleven countries, including the United States, Reuters reports citing anonymous sources. The transaction amount will be a record for this type of aircraft and will amount to more than $ 37 billion. A multi-year agreement for the supply of aircraft is scheduled for 2018-2020, the payment will be made in three tranches, the article says. The price of one aircraft will average $ 85 million, while by 2020 the price will decrease.

Monday, June 19, 2017

American fighter F-18 shot down the Syrian fighter Su-22. Syrian Su-22, shot down on Sunday 40 kilometers from Syrian Rakki, was bombing alongside the soldiers of the "Forces of Democratic Syria" (SDS). This is stated in the message of the headquarters of the US-led international coalition. - At 18:43 local time, the aircraft of the Syrian regime Su-22 dropped bombs near the SDF positions. In accordance with the rules of self-defense, he was immediately shot down by the American fighter F / A-18E Super Hornet, - reads the text of the message.

At the same time, the coalition stressed that "they do not seek a conflict with the Syrian regime, Russian or regime-backing forces." At the same time, the headquarters announced its readiness to protect its partners.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Patria successfully completed water tests of a new generation AMV28A floating APC The Finnish defense company Patria has successfully completed water tests of a new generation AMV28A (8x8) floating armored personnel carrier, reports The machine with a mass of 28 tons performed the tests without problems, as expected. The figure 28 in the BTR index indicates mass, at the beginning of this year the BTR was presented at IDEX 2017. Two prototypes participated - one with a weight of 28 tons and the second with a remote-controlled weapon module Kongsberg PROTECTOR MCT-30 with a gun Bushmaster Mk44 Caliber 30 mm. Tests were conducted in the area of ​​Lake Hanko (Hanko) in the south of the country in a fairly strong wind (wind speed 10-13 m / s, at times the gusts reached 17 m / s). The BTR has a high level of ballistic and mine protection, the machine will be used to conduct land and sea assault operations. Crew of three people (driver, commander and gunner), landing - 8 soldiers

Saturday, June 17, 2017

NATO will strengthen its presence in the east during Russia's military exercises in Belarus. - Hodges NATO will strengthen its presence on the eastern flank during the Russian-Belarussian exercises West-2017. This was stated by the commander of the ground forces in Europe, Ben Hodges, transmits Channel 5. Hodges did not rule out the likelihood of Russia's invasion of the Baltic countries and assured that NATO was ready to respond. During the West-2017 exercise on the territory of Belarus in September, in which more than 100,000 troops will take part, NATO will conduct its exercises in Ukraine, Sweden and Poland. "When Russia conquered the Crimea, it happened against the backdrop of military exercises." When the Russians entered Georgia, there were also exercises, and I would not rule out such a development in connection with these exercises. But NATO is professionals, we are all working to have the highest The level of readiness during such exercises, "- said Hodges. In May, NATO's largest international military exercise, code-named Kevadtorm-2017 (Spring Storm-2017) was held in Estonia.
Ukraine will develop a new 155-mm self-propelled artillery  Ukrainian industrial complex plans to develop a new 155-mm self-propelled artillery units (SAU) with more  Extent and range shooting. Development of a new ACS will be conducted according to NATO standards. This was confirmed in the report of the Head of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Nikolay Shevtsov during the international scientific conference "Prospects of development of weapons and military equipment of Land Forces" in Ukraine, in May 2017. In the Armed Forces of Ukraine currently working ACS 122 mm 2C1 "Carnation", 152-mm 2S5 "hyacinth-S" self-propelled 152-mm 2S19 MSTA-C towed howitzer 122 mm D-30. Modern Artillery Brigade will be complemented by new 155-mm self-propelled artillery. The new self-propelled howitzer can use all standard 155-mm NATO ammunition. The new plant consists of self-propelled 155-mm turret, mounted on crawler. The chassis will use many components of the main battle tank <<Oplot>>

Thursday, June 15, 2017

The United States will supply Qatar fighters for $ 12 billion Qatar concluded with the US an agreement on the purchase of F-15 fighters for $ 12 billion.

This was reported by the Ministry of Defense of Qatar, reports Reuters.

According to the Pentagon in an official statement, the deal will strengthen cooperation and cooperation between the US and Qatar in the field of security.

In November 2016, the United States approved the possible sale of up to 72 F-15QA aircraft to Qatar for a total of $ 21.1 billion.

The current deal took place despite the recent accusations of Qatar by the Persian Gulf countries, as well as by President Donald Trump of the United States in supporting the country's leadership in terrorism.

In early June, a number of Gulf states, in particular Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Qatar, accusing Doha of supporting terrorist organizations and destabilizing the internal situation in these Arab states.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Command of the US Navy approved the financing of the modernization program for F / A-18 Super Hornet aircraft
On June 10, Popular Mechanics reported that the US Navy Command approved the financing of the Block III program for the F / A-18E / F Super Hornet aircraft.

According to the agreement signed with the corporation Boeing, the US Navy will update its entire fleet of multi-purpose F / A-18E / F Super Hornet fighters. The contract was signed for five years, the total cost of works is estimated at $ 264.9 million, the first modernized aircraft will be back in operation in 2019.

As part of the contract, it is planned to modernize the aircraft already in service with the US Navy. In addition, in December last year, the US Department of Defense announced its intention to order 70 new Super Wet Wear to cover the deficit of the Navy and Marine Corps decks.

However, according to the Bloomberg news agency, the order can be increased to 100-140 aircraft of the newest modification of Block III, since the F-35C Lightning II carrier fighter is "delayed" until at least 2018. Even if the F-35C takes up combat duty next year, the pace of its production will not allow timely close the "gap" that is formed after the write-off of the old Super Hornet aircraft.

The updated Super Hornet will have seven differences from the previous modification (Block II). The upgraded aircraft will receive conformal fuel tanks that hold more fuel and have less airflow resistance than the currently used suspension models. According to Boeing, with new tanks, the range of Super Hornet fighters will increase by almost 300 km. The second significant difference was the new IRST (infrared search and track) sensor - the Lockheed Martin's IRST21 sensor was installed on the plane, which improves situational awareness of the pilot and allows to detect threats at a much greater distance.

The third innovation was the new computer and data exchange system, the fourth was the new RCS system (Radar Cross Section), the installation of which required a change in the shape of the nose part of the aircraft, but allowed to improve the operation of the angle of attack sensors. The fifth improvement was the installation of a large touch screen, which displays the data required for the pilot. Two more changes are still secret.
The military equipment of the Spanish army arrived to Latvia for the multinational NATO battalion On Sunday, military equipment of the Spanish army arrived to the port of Riga for the multinational NATO battalion.

This is reported by Delfi.

More than 300 Spanish soldiers, who are part of the international contingent, arrived in Latvia on Friday.

On Sunday, Leopard tanks, Pizarro infantry fighting vehicles arrived in the port, as well as transport of technical support and logistics.

Within two days, the equipment will be transferred to a military base in Adazi, where the units of the Spanish army will be deployed.

As you know, in Latvia, a NATO combat group is being formed under the leadership of Canada. The group includes more than 1,000 troops from Albania, Italy, Canada, Poland, Slovenia and Spain.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Airbus is developing a new generation fighter The new aircraft is still called Future Combat Air System. The European aircraft construction concern Airbus announced that it is developing a new generation fighter. This was stated by the head of the military unit of the company Fernando Alonso in an interview with the Handelsblatt edition. "We are already working on separate components in Germany and Spain, partly financed by several governments, and we hope to increase the budget," Alonso said. According to him, the fighter will be a whole system combining the characteristics of a combat aircraft, a drone, a satellite and a command point. "We hope that France will join us, we in Europe should do everything together, there are no spaces for two or three different systems," Alonso said. The new fighter, while featured as Future Combat Air System, can replace both the still produced Eurofighter Typhoon fighter, and the Tornado, which has already been discontinued.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan approved the deployment of Turkish troops at the base in Qatar.

According to the press center of the head of the Turkish state, Erdogan approved a bill allowing the deployment of Turkish soldiers at the base in Qatar and cooperation in training the gendarmerie of this country.

Qatar Foreign Minister Muhammad bin Abdurrahman al-Thani said earlier that Turkish troops will be deployed on the territory of the country.

Note that earlier the Turkish parliament approved a law allowing the deployment of Turkish soldiers at a base in Qatar.

In support of the law on the deployment of the Turkish military in Qatar, 240 deputies voted, from the ruling Justice and Development Party and the opposition Nationalist Movement Party.

The parliament explained that the bill aims to maintain the defensive capability of the Qatar Armed Forces and to improve coordination between the two countries.

It is assumed that the countries will hold joint military exercises. The bill is also aimed at maintaining peace in the region, the agency notes.The details of the implementation of the bill will be established later.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Boeing began testing the underwater drones of Echo Voyager in the open ocean on June 6, reported that a new device, created as part of the XLUUV (extra large unmanned undersea vehicle) program, began testing off the coast of the State of California. Echo Voyager is the largest representative of underwater drones created as part of the XLUUV program. According to the developers, the device length of 15.5 m can be in the open sea for months, performing various tasks in a fully automatic mode. Echo Voyager has already passed the test testing in a special pool, during which the tightness of the device was tested, as well as the efficiency of its main systems. Now the UAV is performing test tasks in the Pacific Ocean - the purpose of the tests is to find out the maximum duration of its autonomous work, as well as to check the "skill" of the computer system to make independent decisions in various situations. According to David Flowers, the head of the XLUUV program, working with a drone under the water differs significantly from the control of an airborne drones or a space satellite, since in the water the transmission of radio signals is difficult. Therefore, it is very important that the automatic control system of XLUUV works flawlessly. According to the developers, Echo Voyager is equipped with a "hybrid rechargeable power system". The manufacturer does not disclose detailed information about the power plant, indicating only that with its help the device can be under the water for months and periodically float up in order to transmit the collected information to the operator using radio equipment. In addition, the submarine is able to independently return to the base, which greatly simplifies its maintenance and does not require the presence of a ship with an escort team. Modular cargo bay Echo Voyager allows you to equip the submarine with various equipment, which makes it universal for military use or scientific research. The development of Boeing is already interested in the US military. It is known that since 2014 DARPA together with Boeing is developing military underwater drones. The project was named Hydra, in the course of its first stage, versions of unmanned aerial vehicles and submarines were transported underwater. In April of this year, the project moved to the second stage - Boeing Corporation received financing of $ 7.6 million to create a working prototype of underwater drones, which can transport already created unmanned vehicles for various purposes (reconnaissance, combat and research).

Monday, June 5, 2017

The South Korean army will receive new anti-tank complexes Hyeongung LIG Nex1 has completed tests of the new ATGM Hyeongung (export name - Raybolt) and this year will begin deliveries of missiles of the South Korean army. Final testing of the new ATGM took place on June 1, and the Administration of Defense Procurement Programs (DAPA, the Defense Acquisition Program Administration) with the South Korean Defense Ministry recognized their success. In South Korea, Raybolt is called a fully domestic development - the rocket and its launcher are 95% made up of locally produced parts. The development of the South Korean ATGM took almost a decade - the contract between the military department and LIG Nex1 was signed in 2007. According to the agreement, the developer undertook to create an anti-tank missile system capable of hitting heavy armored vehicles in the "shot and forget" mode and at the same time easy enough to carry one

Sunday, June 4, 2017

The Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus have received the latest Russian tanks T-72B3.
In the circumscription defense equipment was transferred to the 969th reserve tank base. The event was attended by the Defense Minister of Belarus, Lieutenant-General Andrei Ravkov, as well as the Russian delegation from the joint stock company "Scientific and Production Corporation" Uralvagonzavod. "

The T-72B3 is the latest Russian version of the T-72 tank, which features a new engine, 1,130 horsepower and a more advanced fire control system. The tank also received onboard screens with a set of removable modular protection.

The tank began to hit targets more accurately due to the introduction of the multi-channel gunner sight Sosna-U, developed in Belarus, a digital ballistic computer with a set of weather sensors, and a target tracking machine.

The tank received a new 125-mm gun 2A46M-5 with increased survivability of the trunk and a new set of guided weapons, which guarantees a high probability of destroying the target from a place and in motion at a range of up to five kilometers.

Also, the T-72B3 was equipped with new fire-fighting equipment and VHF radio station R-168-25U-2 "Aqueduct". It is planned that these machines will participate in tank biathlon, which will be held in August this year.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

US sent B-52 bombers and 800 pilots for exercises near the borders of Russia

The United States sent B-52 and 800 pilots to the UK to participate in NATO exercises in June in the Arctic and Europe, close to the Russian borders.

"The exercises with the allied states and partners will improve coordination between the countries and will allow the US Air Force to build a stable relationship necessary to confront a wide range of international challenges," says the press service of the country's Air Force.

The exercises will be held in the Baltic Sea, the Arctic and the countries of the alliance that are adjacent to Russia, the channel said. In the Arctic training, in addition to the United States, the military will participate from Finland, Sweden, Norway, Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Canada and the Netherlands.
Putin announced his readiness to supply Turkey with S-400

Russia is ready to begin deliveries of the S-400 surface-to-air missile system to Turkey, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum

"We discussed the possibility of selling S-400 systems. We are ready for this, "he said.

Friday, June 2, 2017

By 2018, Yars will become Russia's main strategic missile system

The equipment of the Strategic Missile Force (RVSN) of Russia with new weapons and equipment will reach 66% by the end of 2017. This was stated by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu during the visiting session of the Defense Ministry's collegium, "Economics Today" reports.

According to him, currently there is an active re-equipment of four compounds for the missile system "Yars" mobile and mine-based. This complex passed state tests in 2007, and in 2009 it was adopted by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and began to enter the troops.

Shoigu also added that by 2020 the average share of modern weapons and equipment in the Armed Forces of Russia will reach 70%, and in the Strategic Missile Forces - 100%.
US invested $ 40 million in modernization of the ABM system at the airbase in the Arctic

The US Department of Defense has invested at least $ 40 million in upgrading the missile defense (ABM) system at Tula airbase located in northern Greenland. This was reported by CBS.

According to her, the American side was probably pushed to this step by the opening of a "new Russian military base in the Arctic," as well as the growing threat from the DPRK. The broadcaster said that it was about improving the radar software, which cost about $ 40 million, the cost of the radar is $ 250 million. It is noted that the US is currently updating six early detection systems around the globe.

"Our missile defense technologies have changed, they have become more precise, and given the proliferation situation (missiles) that we see around the world, there is an interest in taking real protective measures," said Colonel of the US Air Force Christopher Egan, Base of Thule. "Over time, we have changed from aircraft to radar systems, which allows us to warn about a missile attack and carry out ABM actions," he added.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Co-founder of Microsoft created a giant aircraft Giant aircraft designed to launch missiles into space. Co-founder of Microsoft Paul Allen created a giant aircraft, which is currently the largest in the world. The aircraft is designed to launch missiles into space, reports The Verge. Workers of the company-creator of Stratolaunch Systems for the first time rolled out the aircraft from a hangar located in the Mojave Desert. The first photos of the plane were published on the web. The wingspan of the aircraft is 117 meters, which is a record figure among the world's aircraft. The weight of the aircraft is 227 tons, and with the load it can reach 600 tons. On the ground the plane moves on 28 wheels and is equipped with six engines from Boing 747.