Friday, June 30, 2017

Ukraine conducted fire tests of the new light-duty missile complex "Korsar" In Ukraine, at one of the military ranges, fire tests of a new lightweight portable complex Korsar.

The Corsair missile successfully hit an armored target at a distance of about 2000 meters. Tests were conducted in the interests of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"The rocket complex" Korsar ", produced by KB Ray, successfully hit an armored tank-type target, at a distance of more than 2000 meters, in conditions of a strong side wind. All defeats took place in the upper armored target sheet, which guarantees the complete destruction of the combat vehicle. ", The company said on its official Facebook page.

The light portable missile system "Korsar" is designed to engage stationary and mobile modern armored targets and other objects that have combined, spaced or monolithic armor, including those with dynamic protection, as well as small-sized targets such as long-term firing points, a tank in a trench, lightly armored Objects and helicopters.

The shot can be made from both the machine and the parapet.

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