Friday, June 2, 2017

US invested $ 40 million in modernization of the ABM system at the airbase in the Arctic

The US Department of Defense has invested at least $ 40 million in upgrading the missile defense (ABM) system at Tula airbase located in northern Greenland. This was reported by CBS.

According to her, the American side was probably pushed to this step by the opening of a "new Russian military base in the Arctic," as well as the growing threat from the DPRK. The broadcaster said that it was about improving the radar software, which cost about $ 40 million, the cost of the radar is $ 250 million. It is noted that the US is currently updating six early detection systems around the globe.

"Our missile defense technologies have changed, they have become more precise, and given the proliferation situation (missiles) that we see around the world, there is an interest in taking real protective measures," said Colonel of the US Air Force Christopher Egan, Base of Thule. "Over time, we have changed from aircraft to radar systems, which allows us to warn about a missile attack and carry out ABM actions," he added.

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